Обсуждение: Re : Column names in view


Re : Column names in view

Laurent ROCHE
The only time when I have seen this (including for views), is when a data window has been opened then the data linked object (table or view) has been re-created(i.e. drop + create) then when doing a refresh on the data window, I don't see the colum names any more (even if they are identical), data is displayed OK though ... I always thought of this as a "feature" ! ;-)

Have a good weekend,
The Computing Froggy

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Raymond O'Donnell <rod@iol.ie>
À : Pgadmin-Support <pgadmin-support@postgresql.org>
Envoyé le : Samedi, 24 Novembre 2007, 15h02mn 15s
Objet : [pgadmin-support] Column names in view

Hi all,

A funny one I see from time to time....I have one particular view which,
when I click "View data", doesn't show up the column names in pgAdmin.
It (pgAdmin) shows the names in two other views in the same database
without any problem.

SELECTing from the view in psql shows the column names, as does
SELECTing in the query tool.

There's nothing special about this view that I can see - it joins 5
tables together, and one column is calculated in the view (and given an
alias also).

I can send a dump of the database if it's any use - it's a development
one, and so quite small (160kb zipped).

Anyone else see this? I'm using pgAdmin 1.8 on Windows XP SP2, and PG
8.2.5 on the same machine. I seem to recall a bug along these lines in
an earlier version of pgAdmin

Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

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