Обсуждение: PG Admin talks to me ... at last !


PG Admin talks to me ... at last !

Laurent ROCHE
Hi Dave, Guillaume and All,

Some of you (Dave & Guillaume) may remember I had a problem with PG Admin III 1.6, that did not display error messages
(onlythe code but not the message it self) when PG Admin III 1.4 and psql will display the full error message. 

After a bit of investigation with Guillaume we defined it was down to my server configuration (PG 8.1 on Ubuntu 6.06)
butcould not find what was wrong. 

It looks like it was a locale configuration problem.
Last week, I had an upgrade of the locales package and then of PostgreSQL (going to 8.1.9): as a result my PostgreSQL
wouldnot run anymore. 

After a lot of looking around I realised the error came from the locale definition, for some reason the collate order
seemsnot to be defined in french. Hence with a definition of /etc/environement like  

Not only I did not get any errors with my Linux commands, and PostgreSQL will start BUT also I now have the error
messages(in english) from the PG Admin Query Tool ! !  

I don't understand why the locales definition on the server might change something in the way PG Admin display error
messages(when others like PG Admin 1.4 and psql are not bothered) ... but it looks like it does ! 

Anyway, after being a pain for a while (in particular for Guillaume and Dave), I wanted to share my joice with you guys
...and that might help somebody else in the future. 

Thanks to all who helped me fixing this

Have fun and ... sorry for the long email,
The Computing Froggy

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Re: PG Admin talks to me ... at last !

Dave Page
Laurent ROCHE wrote:
> Hi Dave, Guillaume and All,
> Some of you (Dave & Guillaume) may remember I had a problem with PG Admin III 1.6, that did not display error
messages(only the code but not the message it self) when PG Admin III 1.4 and psql will display the full error
> After a bit of investigation with Guillaume we defined it was down to my server configuration (PG 8.1 on Ubuntu 6.06)
butcould not find what was wrong.
> It looks like it was a locale configuration problem.
> Last week, I had an upgrade of the locales package and then of PostgreSQL (going to 8.1.9): as a result my PostgreSQL
wouldnot run anymore.
> After a lot of looking around I realised the error came from the locale definition, for some reason the collate order
seemsnot to be defined in french. Hence with a definition of /etc/environement like 
> LANG=fr_FR
> Not only I did not get any errors with my Linux commands, and PostgreSQL will start BUT also I now have the error
messages(in english) from the PG Admin Query Tool ! ! 
> HURRAH ! ! HURRAH ! !  HURRAH ! ! 
> I don't understand why the locales definition on the server might change something in the way PG Admin display error
messages(when others like PG Admin 1.4 and psql are not bothered) ... but it looks like it does !
> Anyway, after being a pain for a while (in particular for Guillaume and Dave), I wanted to share my joice with you
guys... and that might help somebody else in the future.
> Thanks to all who helped me fixing this

Thats *very* odd - and I'm sorry I couldn't help more to fix it.
Unfortunately as an linguistically challenged (or ignorant, take your
pick!) Englishman, issues such as encoding and i18n are relatively new
to me.

Anyway, I'm glad you have messages again - thanks for letting us know!

Regards, Dave.