Обсуждение: Statistics



"Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha"
Hi list,<br /><br />Does someone have statistcs from PostgreSQL ? Numbers from the list, performance statistics. I must
arguewith another person the idea of do not put Oracle in our organization.<br /><br />We are quite well with
postgresqland I have no plans to change my plataform. <br /><br />Regards <br clear="all" /><br />-- <br />Ezequias
Rodriguesda Rocha<br /><a href="http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com/">http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com/</a><br />use
MozillaFirefox:<a href="http://br.mozdev.org/firefox/"> http://br.mozdev.org/firefox/</a> 

Re: [SQL] Statistics

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 14:22 -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
> Does someone have statistcs from PostgreSQL ? Numbers from the list,
> performance statistics. I must argue with another person the idea of
> do not put Oracle in our organization.
> We are quite well with postgresql and I have no plans to change my
> plataform. 

Allow me to quote from my response to your previous message back in

On Fri, 2006-11-24 at 11:07 -0200, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
> Does anybody have numbers of PostgreSQL in action ?
> Numbers like the biggest insert in mileseconds, the larger database
etc ?

First, you may want to post this in the GENERAL or in the PERFORMANCE
lists since this isn't really about SQL.

Second, you may want to look at the case studies page:

Third, the companies like EnterpriseDB and Pervasive may have some of
what you're looking for since they have to measure themselves against
the competition.

And remember to take any numbers with a large grain of salt, YMMV, etc.


Re: [SQL] Statistics

"Hiltibidal, Robert"

Joe is quite right about comparing stats. Unless things are equal across
the board (database, tables, data, hardware, software) results will
always differ.

Another consideration and this may be painful, is consider what Oracle
support may be able to offer. Executives do not want to hear the core of
their operations went down at 3 am and are still down pending answer to
e-mail based support questions. There is benefit when IBM/Oracle can
have someone onsite in off hours if that level of support is needed.

DBA's/sysadmins/developers are always looking for the best way to
accomplish a goal depending on hardware/software/skillset availability.

Bean counters are always looking for the best way to accomplish a goal
balancing operational costs with profitability. Open source isn't always
the most profitable solution.

Good profitability is usually a balance between open source and

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-sql-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-sql-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 11:36 AM
To: Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
Cc: PostgreSQL; Pgadmin-Support
Subject: Re: [SQL] Statistics

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 14:22 -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
> Does someone have statistcs from PostgreSQL ? Numbers from the list,
> performance statistics. I must argue with another person the idea of
> do not put Oracle in our organization.
> We are quite well with postgresql and I have no plans to change my
> plataform.

Allow me to quote from my response to your previous message back in

On Fri, 2006-11-24 at 11:07 -0200, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
> Does anybody have numbers of PostgreSQL in action ?
> Numbers like the biggest insert in mileseconds, the larger database
etc ?

First, you may want to post this in the GENERAL or in the PERFORMANCE
lists since this isn't really about SQL.

Second, you may want to look at the case studies page:

Third, the companies like EnterpriseDB and Pervasive may have some of
what you're looking for since they have to measure themselves against
the competition.

And remember to take any numbers with a large grain of salt, YMMV, etc.


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