Обсуждение: Re : Re : Re : Still no text for error messages


Re : Re : Re : Still no text for error messages

Laurent ROCHE

I have installed a Win32 PG 8.1.5 on my machine and I can not reproduce this bug on that server.
So it is server dependant: you knew that already as you could not reproduce the bug. ;-)

Still, it is also client dependant, as I get correct error messages with PG Admin 1.4.3 (on the other server) ! ? ! ?

The non working server configuration is Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake-installed in French) and Postgres 8.1.4:
PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on i486-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc-4.0.gcc-opt (GCC) 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)

I did not install Postgres, so I do not know the options used to install it. It should be the default install (pretty
much):if you need me to give details (a conf file or something else). Let me know, and I will provide it. 
However, you will have to be fairly precise as I am quite new to PostgreSQL.

The Computing Froggy

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Guillaume Lelarge <guillaume@lelarge.info>
À : Laurent ROCHE <laurent_roche@yahoo.com>
Cc : pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
Envoyé le : Mardi, 16 Janvier 2007, 0h41mn 48s
Objet : Re: Re : [pgadmin-support] Re : Still no text for error messages

Laurent ROCHE a écrit :
> Thanks Guillaume, for having a look again.
> Last time, you looked: I had 1.6.1 and you were using 1.6.2 (kind of beta: from the source), and we thought it will
besolved with the new version. 
> But it's not !
> I have done a new test: I create a new db with UTF8, and another with LATIN1.
> If I type an incorrect command in a SQL editor connected to the LATIN1 db, I get the error message, and when
connectedto the UTF8 db I get the error message only with the number. 

OK, I think it would be really helpful to get all informations.

I tried with a 8.2.1 postgresql server that I configured with ./configure --prefix=/home/guillaume/pgsql-8.2.1
I then compiled and installed it make && make install

I initialized the cluster : initdb -D /home/guillaume/pgsql-8.2.1/data
and created two databases : createdb -E LATIN1 dblatin1 createdb -E UTF8 dbutf8

When I try to execute a wrong query (select * from jkdqlsdjkfhqklsdjh),
I always have the error number and the error string.

Can you give us more details ? for example, which options did you use to
initialize the cluster ?


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