Обсуждение: Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M


Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M

Erwin Brandstetter
Hi developers! Hi Dave!

Dave, I have tested the new version you sent me. RC2, rev: 5607:5627M.
- No crashes or anything major sighted in two hours of testing (mainly 
edit grid).
- You have definitely improved the handling of timestamps, dates and 
intervals. Copy & paste is much more convenient now, as you don't have 
to worry about linebreak proliferation.
If this blessing could be extended to text types one day, then halleluja. :)
- Starting new lines by inserting data is now less confusing, the new 
dialogue prevents data loss. And the option to cancel the operation is a 
major improvement. That's the one I will be using 99% of the time.
The current way of handling cursor and selection will remain prone to 
errors and cornercases, though.

- The undead "undo" issue:
The save dialogue pops up, even if there is no data to save, even if I 
did not enter edit mode in the row of the cursor at all, or if I set the 
cursor on the "new" row. This isn't dangerous, but confusing.
If I answer yes to the uncalled-for save dialogue, then the rest of the 
operation seems to be aborted (nothing happens).

When I tried all of this with another table, the phenomenon was gone. I 
think I found the reason, finally:
The undo button gets activated as soon as I enter edit mode. (We have 
been discussing this before.) If I do not change anything and leave the 
field, undo button stays activated. Even if I set the cursor on another 
row (no unsaved changes could be pending still). This will provoke the 
above problems. Pressing the undo buton or <ctrl><z>, achieves nothing 
but the reset of the undo button. After that, the above mentioned 
problems are gone, until undo gets activated once more.
Interestingly, if I actually change data, then the changes are saved, as 
soon as I set the cursor on another row, and the undo button is 
deactivated. Obviously the undo button waits for a save to occur or the 
changes to be undone, but if it has been activated without any changes 
having been made, it will wait forever.

- While experimenting with pasting, I pasted the dummy text 'asdfg' to 
an integer column and saved - which produced an error as expected. The 
nature of the error was a bit of a surprise though:
   An error has occurred:   FEHLER: Spalte >>asdfg<< existiert nicht.

Meaning: "Error: Column >>asdfg<< does not exist."
Somehow data is being mistaken for a column name. This could possibly 
lead to grave errors. (Or is it the German translation wrong?)

In my test-case it was the primary key and first column. See appended 
definition, if you need.


P.S.: For reference (in case you need it, maybe you don't), the 
definition of the table I utilized for testing. Quickly derived & 
simplified from a real table I use.

Table dumped with this command line (I have a "test" db-cluster on port 
5433):   pg_dump -p 5433 -f /var/lib/postgres/dev/test.sql -n cp -t test event

-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

SET search_path = cp, pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: test; Type: TABLE; Schema: cp; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:

CREATE TABLE test (   feld_id serial NOT NULL,   tabelle text DEFAULT '?'::text NOT NULL,   feld text DEFAULT '?'::text
NOTNULL,   flabel text,   sprechend boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,   note text,   log_up timestamp without time zone
NOTNULL,   log_upby integer NOT NULL,   ex boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,   extime timestamp without time zone,
tlabeltext DEFAULT '?'::text NOT NULL,   frang integer DEFAULT 10 NOT NULL,   trang integer DEFAULT 10 NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE cp.test OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: test_feld_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: cp; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('test', 
'feld_id'), 1, false);

-- Data for Name: test; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: cp; Owner: postgres

COPY test (feld_id, tabelle, feld, flabel, sprechend, note, log_up, 
log_upby, ex, extime, tlabel, frang, trang) FROM stdin;
502   adrkey   keytyp_id   Typ   f  Nummern-Typ 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  
f  \N Zusatznummer   50 50
111   firma uid   UID   t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Firma 10 10
206   adr   adrform_id  Adressformat   f  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  
\N Adresse  20 20
405   adrkat   fixbearb_id id der Transaktion   t  \N 2006-08-08 
20:39:59  1  f  \N Zusatzbranche  40 40
704   firmaintern inseratvor07   Anzeigenkunde vor 07 t  \N 2006-07-06 
18:14:02  1  f  \N Interne Daten  70 70
702   firmaintern dotcopy  .copy t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Interne Daten  70 70
701   firmaintern note  Notiz t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Interne Daten  70 70
103   firma vorbis   Vorreihung  t  Firma wird bei Suchergebnissen im 
Web bis zu diesem Datum vorgereiht.   2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Firma 10 10
404   adrkat   fixbis   Fix bis  t  Erscheinen fixiert bis zu dieser 
Ausgabe  2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Zusatzbranche  40 40
403   adrkat   kattxt   Branchen-Text  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  
\N Zusatzbranche  40 40
406   adrkat   hervorbis   Hervorhebung bis  t  Hervorhebung der Branche 
im Buch bis zu dieser Ausgabe.  2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Zusatzbranche  40 40
504   adrkey   hinweis  Hinweis  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Zusatznummer   50 50
503   adrkey   wert  Nummer   t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Zusatznummer   50 50
608   kontakt  haupt Hauptkontakt   t  Es kann nur einen geben!   
2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Kontakt  60 60
607   kontakt  email E-Mail   t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Kontakt  60 60
606   kontakt  tel   Telefon  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Kontakt  60 60
604   kontakt  vorname  Vorname  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Kontakt  60 60
602   kontakt  anrede   Anrede   t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Kontakt  60 60
110   firma exby  Ausgeschieden durch  f  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  
\N Firma 10 10
109   firma extime   Zeitpunkt des Ausscheidens t  \N 2006-07-06 
18:14:02  1  f  \N Firma 10 10
108   firma ex Karteileiche   t  Angehakt für Karteileichen 2006-07-06 
18:14:02  1  f  \N Firma 10 10
107   firma valtime  Freigabezeitpunkt t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  
\N Firma 10 10
106   firma valby Freigabe durch f  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Firma 10 10
105   firma val   Freigabe t  Firma ist für Verwendung in Web & Buch 
frei gegeben.  2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Firma 10 10
101   firma firma Name  t  Firmenbezeichnung 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  
\N Firma 10 10
204   adr   hausnr   Hausnummer  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Adresse  20 20
203   adr   str_id   Straße/Adresse f  Straße, PLZ, Ort, Land  
2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  20 20
202   adr   adr   Bezeichnung t  Bezeichnung der Niederlassung / 
Zusatzadresse   2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  20 20
210   adr   email Email t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  20 20
209   adr   fax   Fax   t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  20 20
208   adr   tel   Telefon  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  
20 20
205   adr   adrzusatz   Adresszusatz   t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  
\N Adresse  20 20
207   adr   str_unclear Str.-Schreibweise unklar   t  Schreibweise der 
Straße unklar.  2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  20 20
100   firma firma_id \N t  Alle prim. keys sollen eigentlich nicht in 
der Maske dargestellt werden, "id" sollte nirgendwo sichtbar 
aufscheinen. 2006-07-06 18
200   adr   adr_id   \N t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:31  1  f  \N Adresse  18 20
201   adr   firma_id \N t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:35  1  f  \N Adresse  19 20
400   adrkat   adrkat_id   \N t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:39  1  f  \N 
Zusatzbranche  38 40
401   adrkat   adr_id   \N t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:42  1  f  \N 
Zusatzbranche  39 40
500   adrkey   adrkey_id   !Sonderfall! Siehe cp.f_firma_wannachange!   
f  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:44  1  f  \N Zusatznummer   48 50
501   adrkey   adr_id   !Sonderfall! Siehe cp.f_firma_wannachange!   f  
!ACHTUNG! Sonderfall Zusatznummer zu Zusatzadresse.   2006-07-06 
18:14:49  1  f  \N Z
700   firmaintern firma_id \N t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:55  1  f  \N 
Interne Daten  69 70
600   kontakt  kontakt_id  \N t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:58  1  f  \N 
Kontakt  58 60
703   firmaintern webinsert   ?Webgrafik? t  ?Feld löschen? 2006-07-14 
18:03:21  1  f  \N Interne Daten  70 70
705   firmaintern wiedervorlage  Wiedervorlage  t  !ACHTUNG! feld_id = 
705 hardcoded in Trigger cp.trg_c_insbef() 2006-07-11 18:37:56  1  f  \N 
Interne Daten
211   adr   www   Homepage t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  
20 20
212   adr   isdn  ISDN  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N Adresse  20 20
250   adr   kat_id   Branche  f  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Hauptbranche   30 30
251   adr   kattxt   Branchen-Text  t  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Hauptbranche   30 30
252   adr   hervorbis   Hervorhebung bis  t  Im Buch wird Branche 
zuletzt in dieser Nummer hervorgehoben.   2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Hauptbranche   30 3
402   adrkat   kat_id   Branche  f  \N 2006-07-06 18:14:02  1  f  \N 
Zusatzbranche  40 40
253   adr   hervorbearb_id id der Transaktion   t  \N 2006-08-08 
17:25:13  1  f  \N Hauptbranche   30 30
407   adrkat   hervorbearb_id id der Transaktion   t  \N 2006-08-08 
17:25:19  1  f  \N Zusatzbranche  40 40
102   firma fzusatz  Zusatzname  t  Zusatz zum Firmennamen  2006-11-13 
20:49:13  1  f  2006-11-06 18:14:02  Firma 10 10
104   firma vorbearb_id id der Transaktion   t  \N 2006-11-13 20:49:27  
1  f  2006-11-06 18:14:02  Firma 10 10

-- Name: test_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: cp; Owner: postgres; 


-- Name: test_uni; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: cp; Owner: postgres; 

ALTER TABLE ONLY test   ADD CONSTRAINT test_uni UNIQUE (tabelle, feld);

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

Re: Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M

Erwin Brandstetter
brandstetter@falter.at wrote:
> - The undead "undo" issue:
> The save dialogue pops up, even if there is no data to save, even if I 
> did not enter edit mode in the row of the cursor at all, ...

To clarify: the new save dialogue when pasting a new row by pressing 
<ctrl><v> while not in edit mode.


Re: Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M

Erwin Brandstetter
Hi developers! Hi Dave!

brandstetter@falter.at wrote:
> - While experimenting with pasting, I pasted the dummy text 'asdfg' to 
> an integer column and saved - which produced an error as expected. The 
> nature of the error was a bit of a surprise though:
>    An error has occurred:
>    FEHLER: Spalte >>asdfg<< existiert nicht.
> Meaning: "Error: Column >>asdfg<< does not exist."
> Somehow data is being mistaken for a column name. This could possibly 
> lead to grave errors. (Or is it the German translation wrong?)
Checking the the log-file reveals the cause:

2006-11-13 21:49:22 CET postgres FEHLER:  Spalte »asdfg« existiert nicht
2006-11-13 21:49:22 CET postgres ANWEISUNG:  INSERT INTO 
cp.test(feld_id) VALUES (asdfg::integer)

This should read 'asdfg'::integer (with single quotes), as long as you 
don't make sure the data is numeric in the first place.
Could have nasty side-effects otherwise. Home-made 'SQL-injection'? Or 
is this by design, so you _can_ enter function calls?
(But then again, that would not play well with the rest of the application.)

Actually, I entered a function call and it was evaluated. Subsequent 
operations on the new row showed a variety of weird effects.
Another sample from the log:
Note how the value is being quoted in the WHERE-clause, when trying to 
change the newly inserted row. Note also, that the WHERE clause is quite 
nonsensical for a integer column.

2006-11-13 23:59:03 CET postgres ANWEISUNG:  SELECT * FROM cp.feld WHERE 
feld_id = 'cp.f_ausgabe_id()'::integer
2006-11-13 23:59:11 CET postgres FEHLER:  ungültige Eingabesyntax für 
ganze Zahl: »cp.f_ausgabe_id()«
2006-11-13 23:59:11 CET postgres ANWEISUNG:  UPDATE cp.feld SET 
feld_id=NULL::integer WHERE feld_id = 'cp.f_ausgabe_id()'::integer
2006-11-13 23:59x:35 CET postgres FEHLER:  duplizierter Schlüssel 
verletzt Unique-Constraint »feld_pkey«
2006-11-13 23:59:35 CET postgres ANWEISUNG:  INSERT INTO 
cp.feld(feld_id) VALUES (cp.f_ausgabe_id()::integer)
2006-11-13 23:59:55 CET postgres FEHLER:  ungültige Eingabesyntax für 
ganze Zahl: »cp.f_ausgabe_id()«
2006-11-13 23:59:55 CET postgres ANWEISUNG:  SELECT * FROM cp.feld WHERE 
feld_id = 'cp.f_ausgabe_id()'::integer


Re: Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M

Dave Page
Erwin Brandstetter wrote:

> - Starting new lines by inserting data is now less confusing, the new 
> dialogue prevents data loss. And the option to cancel the operation is a 
> major improvement. That's the one I will be using 99% of the time.
> The current way of handling cursor and selection will remain prone to 
> errors and cornercases, though.

Maybe - but I think they really are corner cases for the most part. 
You're pretty much the only complainant in 5 years or so! (not that I'm 
saying they shouldn't be fixed you understand).

> - The undead "undo" issue:
> The save dialogue pops up, even if there is no data to save, even if I 
> did not enter edit mode in the row of the cursor at all, or if I set the 
> cursor on the "new" row. This isn't dangerous, but confusing.
> If I answer yes to the uncalled-for save dialogue, then the rest of the 
> operation seems to be aborted (nothing happens).

Yeah, think I've got this case nailed. Will send you an exe for testing.

> - While experimenting with pasting, I pasted the dummy text 'asdfg' to 
> an integer column and saved - which produced an error as expected. The 
> nature of the error was a bit of a surprise though:
>    An error has occurred:
>    FEHLER: Spalte >>asdfg<< existiert nicht.
> Meaning: "Error: Column >>asdfg<< does not exist."
> Somehow data is being mistaken for a column name. This could possibly 
> lead to grave errors. (Or is it the German translation wrong?)

Hmm. This only happens because the underlying text control handles it's 
own paste operations - when you type into a numeric field, we filter out 
invalid characters (ie. alpha), but when pasting that doesn't happen. 
That will take some real effort to resolve properly.

For now, I've just made sure that numeric data gets quoted to remove the 
column/funtion ambiguity with unquoted text. That will at least ensure 
that the user gets a sensible error message from the server.

Regards, Dave.

Re: Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M

Erwin Brandstetter
Hi Dave!

Testing 1.6 RC2 rev: 5634:5635 on Win XP- the one you've sent me.

You've got both issues fixed. The application keeps getting better. :)
I found remaining corners in both cases, but of very limited impact. So 
if you are tired of this, you might as well skip the rest of the mail.

dpage@postgresql.org wrote:
> Erwin Brandstetter wrote:
>> - Starting new lines by inserting data is now less confusing, the new 
>> dialogue prevents data loss. And the option to cancel the operation 
>> is a major improvement. That's the one I will be using 99% of the time.
>> The current way of handling cursor and selection will remain prone to 
>> errors and cornercases, though.
> Maybe - but I think they really are corner cases for the most part. 
> You're pretty much the only complainant in 5 years or so! (not that 
> I'm saying they shouldn't be fixed you understand).

Sure, I understand. Still, some features (like pasting rows) are new in 
v1.6. And beta-testers like me are "early complainers" by nature. ;)

>> - The undead "undo" issue:
>> The save dialogue pops up, even if there is no data to save, even if 
>> I did not enter edit mode in the row of the cursor at all, or if I 
>> set the cursor on the "new" row. This isn't dangerous, but confusing.
>> If I answer yes to the uncalled-for save dialogue, then the rest of 
>> the operation seems to be aborted (nothing happens).
> Yeah, think I've got this case nailed. Will send you an exe for testing.

So you didn't skip? Curiosity killed the cat! ;)
The remaining cornercase here:
As long as I stay within the edited row, the previously described issue 
will kick in.
When undo is active while nothing has been changed, the save dialogue 
will pop up, and if I say yes, then rest of the operation will be 
cancelled silently. No saving (of course - nothing changed), but no 
pasting either.

But now I can get rid of this by clicking outside the row, so the scale 
of the issue has been diminished.

>> - While experimenting with pasting, I pasted the dummy text 'asdfg' 
>> to an integer column and saved - which produced an error as expected. 
>> The nature of the error was a bit of a surprise though:
>>    An error has occurred:
>>    FEHLER: Spalte >>asdfg<< existiert nicht.
>> Meaning: "Error: Column >>asdfg<< does not exist."
>> Somehow data is being mistaken for a column name. This could possibly 
>> lead to grave errors. (Or is it the German translation wrong?)
> Hmm. This only happens because the underlying text control handles 
> it's own paste operations - when you type into a numeric field, we 
> filter out invalid characters (ie. alpha), but when pasting that 
> doesn't happen. That will take some real effort to resolve properly.
> For now, I've just made sure that numeric data gets quoted to remove 
> the column/funtion ambiguity with unquoted text. That will at least 
> ensure that the user gets a sensible error message from the server.

That takes care of it, mostly.
Unlike with text fields the new quoting in numeric fields does not 
escape quotes in the pasted data.
If there is no specific reason for the deviation, you might consider 
adapting the behaviour for text fields to prevent weird effects.

Told ya to skip the rest. :p


Re: Results from testing RC2, rev: 5607:5627M

Dave Page
Bah, clearly I'm a sucker for punishment...

Erwin Brandstetter wrote:
> So you didn't skip? Curiosity killed the cat! ;)
> The remaining cornercase here:
> As long as I stay within the edited row, the previously described issue 
> will kick in.
> When undo is active while nothing has been changed, the save dialogue 
> will pop up, and if I say yes, then rest of the operation will be 
> cancelled silently. No saving (of course - nothing changed), but no 
> pasting either.
> But now I can get rid of this by clicking outside the row, so the scale 
> of the issue has been diminished.

Figured out a way to check for modification more sensibly, so we can now 
disable the buttons on column change.

> That takes care of it, mostly.
> Unlike with text fields the new quoting in numeric fields does not 
> escape quotes in the pasted data.
> If there is no specific reason for the deviation, you might consider 
> adapting the behaviour for text fields to prevent weird effects.

Will be escaped properly now.

> Told ya to skip the rest. :p

Yeah, well. .exe en-route. If you can confirm things look good before 
tomorrow early-AM-GMT that would be very helpful :-)

Cheers, Dave.