Обсуждение: serious problem with PGadmin III


serious problem with PGadmin III

"Tony Caduto"
I don't know if anyone has noticed this , but it seems all objects are
loaded ahead of time.
For example, if I open a function in the SQL query window, make a change and
compile it, then open it again my changes are not shown.
They are only shown if I manually hit the refresh for that object or the
whole DB.

This is a not a good way to do it, the function source should be pulled from
the db every time you open it. You should not have to hit refresh manually.

I have run into situations where I have lost tons of changes because I
compiled/ran the function script and then opened it again without refreshing
and made some changes at the top of the function compiled and then lost
everything becasue PGadmin III was using a cached copy.

Otherwise I like the program, keep up the good work.


Tony Caduto
Inexpensive Corporate Messaging
AM Software Design

Re: serious problem with PGadmin III

Andreas Pflug
Tony Caduto wrote:

>I don't know if anyone has noticed this , but it seems all objects are
>loaded ahead of time.
>For example, if I open a function in the SQL query window, make a change and
>compile it, then open it again my changes are not shown.
I'd recommend using the function property dialog. Any change you do 
there will be reflected immediately.

If you do any change in the sql query window, pgadmin can't know what 
you did; a complete refresh would be required. The sql window's sticky 
option which will copy the currently displayed ddl is not meant for 
standard object editing.

What we're missing is an 'apply' button for it; it's on the todo list. 
We'll add that in the near future.
