Обсуждение: Re: Migration Btw Rel - 7.1.2 to 7.4.2 - ERROR: relation 'pgadmin_checks' does not exist


Re: Migration Btw Rel - 7.1.2 to 7.4.2 - ERROR: relation 'pgadmin_checks' does not exist

"Dave Page"
It's rumoured that Chris Lee once said:
> Dear Dave,
> I got following error on screen after using -e parameter. Any Hints?

Hi Chris,

Yeah, what's happening is the views that pgAdmin I created to look at the
system catalogues more easily cannot be recreated on newer versions of
PostgreSQL because the underlying catalogues have changed - for example,
> CREATE VIEW pgadmin_users AS
>    SELECT pg_shadow.oid AS user_oid, pg_shadow.usename AS user_name,
> pg_shadow.usesysid AS user_id, CASE WHEN (pg_shadow.usecreatedb =
> 't'::bool) THEN 'Yes'::text ELSE 'No'::text END AS user_create_dbs,
> CASE WHEN (pg_shadow.usesuper = 't'::bool) THEN 'Yes'::text ELSE
> 'No'::text END AS user_superuser, pg_shadow.valuntil AS user_expires
> FROM pg_shadow; psql:/tmp/201:218909: ERROR:  column pg_shadow.oid does
> not exist

fails because there is no longer an oid column on pg_shadow. The
subsequent GRANT then fails because there is nothing to GRANT permissions
I wouldn't worry about it though unless you have used those views for
anything other than pgAdmin I. Newer versions do not need them, and if
you're running 7.4.2 then you really need pgAdmin III anyway.
I would reload your dump file, and just delete any pgadmin_* objects that
do get created. When we create objects in the future they'll be in their
own schema.
Regards, Dave.