Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] pgAdmin vs SQL Server Enterprise Manager


Re: [GENERAL] pgAdmin vs SQL Server Enterprise Manager

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear Mike,

These are pgAdmin3 rather specific questions.

I am forwarding your questions to pgAdmin-support list. You can register the
support list from: http://www.pgadmin.org/pgadmin3/support.php#support_list

Best regards,

> I am working at a company that has been using MS SQL Server, and we are
> going to be switching over to postgresql next week.  (Getting off of
> Windows will be a relief!)
> I am very familiar with SQL Server's "Enterprise Manager", which is their
> GUI for accessing the db.  I have been acquainting myself with pgAdmin.
> There are a number of things that I really like about pgAdmin, but there
> are a few things that SQL Server Enterprise manager can do, and it's not
> clear to me if pgAdmin can do them.
> Can anyone let me know how the following things are done in the postgres
> world?
> 1) With SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can change a column's type.  For
> example, I can change an int column to a float, and SQL Server
> automatically converts all of the int data to floating point data.
> 2) With SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can copy and paste rows.  There
> are two scenarios:
> 2a) Suppose I have a table that has some primary key, and it has a large
> number of non-null columns.  Inserting a row can be tedious because I have
> to specify all the non-null values.  What I often want to do is to
> duplicate a row, change its primary key, and perhaps modify 1 or 2 of its
> other columns.  With SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can copy a row into a
> "new row" buffer, modify its primary key to ensure uniqueness, optionally
> modify 1 or 2 other columns, and paste the result into the table.
> 2b) Suppose I have two or more tables that have identical schemas (column
> names and types, primary key).  I want to copy a set of rows from one table
> to another.  (I've already verified that there will be no primary key
> conflicts.)  With SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can copy a set of rows
> from one table and paste them into another table.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> -Mike Wertheim
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