Обсуждение: pgAdminIII bug


pgAdminIII bug

"Villy Dachev"

pgAdminIII 1.0.0 release (win32) crashes when I do the following:

1. create a user with NOCREATEDB CREATEUSER
2. connect to a server with this user
3. open any database's properties dialog / security tab
4. click somewhere in the ACL area

sorry, no time to check it with the CVS version, but the release was
soon enough

regards, that's a great tool
Villy Dachev

Re: pgAdminIII bug

"Dave Page"
Hi Villy,

Running a CVS build from a couple of days ago, I cannot recreate this
error. One of the TODO items is to make dialogues read only for users
with insufficient privileges though - it's possible theat Andreas
committed some early work for this that has fixed the problem you see
(certainly I see a modified dialogue for a non-privileged user).

Regards, Dave.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Villy Dachev [mailto:dachev@nove.bg]
> Sent: 13 October 2003 00:12
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] pgAdminIII bug
> Hello,
> pgAdminIII 1.0.0 release (win32) crashes when I do the following:
> 1. create a user with NOCREATEDB CREATEUSER 2. connect to a
> server with this user 3. open any database's properties
> dialog / security tab 4. click somewhere in the ACL area
> sorry, no time to check it with the CVS version, but the
> release was soon enough
> regards, that's a great tool
> Villy Dachev
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> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: pgAdminIII bug

Andreas Pflug
Villy Dachev wrote:

>pgAdminIII 1.0.0 release (win32) crashes when I do the following:
>1. create a user with NOCREATEDB CREATEUSER
>2. connect to a server with this user
>3. open any database's properties dialog / security tab
>4. click somewhere in the ACL area
>sorry, no time to check it with the CVS version, but the release was
>soon enough
>regards, that's a great tool
>Villy Dachev

Hi Villy,

thanks for this precise report, which made it easy to reproduce the problem.
It's fixed now in cvs and will be in our next 1.0.1 release.
