Обсуждение: problem downloading/installing pgadmin3 on Debian testing


problem downloading/installing pgadmin3 on Debian testing

Giuseppe Sacco
[please CC in reply, since I am not subscribed to the list]

I jst read the announcement about pgAdminIII and I am very happy.
I tried to install it in my debian box, but I found that the binary
version is available only for i386. I then decided to recompile
everything from source and send it back to you, but I have now this

eppesuig3:~/src# apt-get build-dep pgadmin3
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Build-Depends dependency on pgadmin3 cannot be satisfied because the
package pgadmin3-libwxgtk2ud2.5-dev cannot be found

So it seems that something is missing. Where may I found all the

Just as a note, in my /etc/apt/sources I added
# pgAdmin III
deb-src ftp://ftp3.it.postgresql.org/postgresql/pgadmin3/beta/debian 
testing pgadmin

Thanks for this great program,

Re: problem downloading/installing pgadmin3 on Debian testing

"Dave Page"
It's rumoured that Giuseppe Sacco once said:
> [please CC in reply, since I am not subscribed to the list]
> Hi,
> I jst read the announcement about pgAdminIII and I am very happy.
> I tried to install it in my debian box, but I found that the binary
> version is available only for i386. I then decided to recompile
> everything from source and send it back to you, but I have now this
> problem:

Hi Guiseppe,

I'm not sure about the Debian side of things, but the wx source code is in
the wxWindows directory on the ftp servers (it was only put there this
morning so may not be on all of them yet). There are compilation notes in
docs/en_US/unix_compilation.html in the pgAdmin source tree that should
If you need help with the Debian packaging, then Raphaël Enrici
<blacknoz@club-internet.fr> is our Debian packager.
Regards, Dave.