Обсуждение: getting past wxMac-cvs build?


getting past wxMac-cvs build?

hi all,

1st, i know this is not, directly, a pgadmin issue.

i've posted this (er ... similar) issue on wx-dev as well, but as my ultimate
goal is to 'get to ' pgadminIII on MacOSX *and* there seems to be active
interest/activity on this list in the same, i'll unabashedly crosspost/beg for
help *here* ...

i'm diving in to try building the latest wxMac (both v2.5.5 & cvs trunk) on OSX
10.3.8 on my powerbook G4 (800 MHz, 1 GB RAM).

after reading <http://www.wxwidgets.org/faqmac.htm#buildx>, a simple/successful
'configure' with:

        mkdir -p macosx-build
        cd macosx-build

        ../configure \
        --prefix=/usr/ports/wxMacINSTALL \
        --with-mac \
        --disable-shared \

finishes without errors.

a subsequent 'make all' of wxMac progresses to this point:

        /Developer/Tools/SetFile -t APPL wxrc
        /Developer/Tools/Rez -d __UNIX__ -useDF ../src/mac/carbon/apprsrc.r
../src/mac/carbon/carbrsrc.r ../src/mac/carbon/corersrc.r -o
        /Developer/Tools/DeRez lib/libwx_mac-2.5.5.rsrc Carbon.r -useDF

and just sits.  For a very long time.

Well, actually, it seems to me still active in a DeRez task, as 'top' shows it
still crankin' away after 6+ hours (total time ~ 8 hours) ...

        15904 DeRez       35.8%  6:21:49   1    25   106   296K  1.82M  6.26M

i've now gotten feedback that this is NOT normal; tho, this behavior HAS been
seen before ...

> I've had this problem too, but only when I run the build when logged in
> remotely via ssh.  If I run the build from a local Terminal window then this
> step just takes less than a second.  My guess is that DeRez needs to have
> access to the display for some reason and isn't smart enough to figure out
> that it can't get it.

that said, i *am* building in a local Terminal window ... apparently to no

now, i _have_ found is this list's archives that there have been 'issues' with
v2.5.4, resolved in CVS, but afaik, not THIS issue.

it seems others *here* have had success with this, so ...

any pointers as to how to get wxMac built so I can get to pgadmin work would be
much appreciated! =)



Re: getting past wxMac-cvs build?

"Florian G. Pflug"
OpenMacNews wrote:
> hi all,
> 1st, i know this is not, directly, a pgadmin issue.
> i've posted this (er ... similar) issue on wx-dev as well, but as my
> ultimate goal is to 'get to ' pgadminIII on MacOSX *and* there seems to
> be active interest/activity on this list in the same, i'll unabashedly
> crosspost/beg for help *here* ...
> i'm diving in to try building the latest wxMac (both v2.5.5 & cvs trunk)
> on OSX 10.3.8 on my powerbook G4 (800 MHz, 1 GB RAM).
> after reading <http://www.wxwidgets.org/faqmac.htm#buildx>, a
> simple/successful
> 'configure' with:
>        mkdir -p macosx-build
>        cd macosx-build
>        ../configure \
>        --prefix=/usr/ports/wxMacINSTALL \
>        --with-mac \
>        --disable-shared \
>        --disable-debug >
> finishes without errors.
I used the following configure command:
CPPFLAGS="-DwxUSE_DEPRECATED=0" ./configure \
    --prefix=/usr/local/wx/2.5.5/static_nodebug \
    --disable-shared \
    --disable-debug \
    --enable-unicode \
    --disable-universal \

I didn't observe the Rez/DeRez difficulties you had. Which
Version of the DeveloperTools are you using? I'm using
1.5 at the moment
(gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1671)),
but I believe it worked with 1.2 too...

However - I'd suggest that you write down the arguments to DeRez
that crashed it, kill the process, and try to run it "by hand".
If it still crashes, you could either ktrace it, to see whats going on,
or you just "touch lib/libwx_mac-2.5.5.r", and restart the build.
If you create the file using "touch", make should than decide that
the file doesn't need to be recreated, and just continue with the steps
after the DeRez call.

I don't really get what wx is trying to do with this Rez/DeRez calls, but
to me it looks like the want to combine some ressource-sources
(apprsrc.r,carbrsrc.r and corersrc.r) into one ressource-source. Since
that doesn't seem to be supported by Rez and DeRez, they compile all
those sources into a compiled-ressource, and than decompile the Ressource
into one big ressource-source. Since ressource-sources (*.r files) are
plaintext, you could try to combine than by using "cat file1 file2 file3 > resultfile".

> it seems others *here* have had success with this, so ...
Building wx was very smooth for me...
If you just want to hack on pgadmin, and not on wx, I could
email you the result of my wx build.

greetings, Florian Pflug


[RESOLVED] Re: getting past wxMac-cvs build?

hi florian,

thanks for the helpful reply!

> I didn't observe the Rez/DeRez difficulties you had.

apparently, someone had (cref: [wx-dev]) ... for those that are interested, it
turns out it was a problem with an unavailable display.

after some poking around with no success, i'd moved to another build machine
-- all was OK!?

on the build box, i'd MISconfigured the DISPLAY ... so, although i was locally
exec'ing -- rather than ssh'd somewhere, as in Robin @ [wx-dev]'s example --
the display
WAS unavailable.

simply moving to a machine where the local DISPLAY was config'd correctly, and
correcting the misconfig'd box, cleared up my probs ...

    /usr/local/wxMac-cvs/bin  % ls -al wxrc-2.5
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 dev wheel 811808 Apr  8 22:30 wxrc-2.5

>> it seems others *here* have had success with this, so ...
> Building wx was very smooth for me...
> If you just want to hack on pgadmin, and not on wx, I could
> email you the result of my wx build.

thx for the offer, but i think i'll be OK =)

at the moment, with a 'good' wxMac in place -- i'm building pgadmin3.

i'm just having a minor issue on make w/:

    ld: Undefined symbols:
    make[2]: *** [pgadmin3] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make: *** [all] Error 2

and wondering where the trouble is.  my pgsql *is* built with enable-nls, so i
think there may be some issue ... i'll report back if i find any probs.



Re: [RESOLVED] Re: getting past wxMac-cvs build?

"Florian G. Pflug"
OpenMacNews wrote:
> on the build box, i'd MISconfigured the DISPLAY ... so, although i was
> locally
> exec'ing -- rather than ssh'd somewhere, as in Robin @ [wx-dev]'s
> example -- the display
> WAS unavailable.
> simply moving to a machine where the local DISPLAY was config'd
> correctly, and
> correcting the misconfig'd box, cleared up my probs ...
>    /usr/local/wxMac-cvs/bin  % ls -al wxrc-2.5
>        -rwxr-xr-x  1 dev wheel 811808 Apr  8 22:30 wxrc-2.5
Hm.. this is interessting - given the DISPLAY should be only relevant
for X11-applications, while surely Rez and DeRez are not X11 applications...

> at the moment, with a 'good' wxMac in place -- i'm building pgadmin3.
> i'm just having a minor issue on make w/:
>    ld: Undefined symbols:
>    _libintl_bindtextdomain
>    _libintl_dgettext
>    make[2]: *** [pgadmin3] Error 1
>    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>    make: *** [all] Error 2
> and wondering where the trouble is.  my pgsql *is* built with
> enable-nls, so i think there may be some issue ... i'll report back if i
> find any probs.
If you want to build an .app bundle for pgadmin, please try the latest version
of the .app support. You can find a diff and a tgz on www.phlo.org.
You need two apply the patch, and then extract the tgz, both while being
int the root-dir if your pgadmin sources.

greetings, Florian Pflug


Re: [RESOLVED] Re: getting past wxMac-cvs build?


> If you want to build an .app bundle for pgadmin, please try the latest version
> of the .app support. You can find a diff and a tgz on www.phlo.org.
> You need two apply the patch, and then extract the tgz, both while being
> int the root-dir if your pgadmin sources.

already there -- got your post abt the patches, read up in thread a bit,
applied and started over.

should be done building in a little bit.
