Обсуждение: Re: cron: sh /usr/local/src/pgadmin3/pkg/src/build-tarball;sh /usr/local/src/pgadmin3/pkg/slackware/build-snapshot 91


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Pflug [mailto:pgadmin@pse-consulting.de]
> Sent: 24 February 2005 16:28
> To: Dave Page
> Cc: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: cron: sh
> /usr/local/src/pgadmin3/pkg/src/build-tarball;sh
> /usr/local/src/pgadmin3/pkg/slackware/build-snapshot 91
> Dave Page wrote:
> >
> >
> >
>   > Yup, looks good on Slack as well - thanks.
> >
> > BTW, whats the current status of pgAgent?
> Dormant. If anybody wants to continue on that, I can give some hints
> what to do next.

OK... Mark is doing a scheduler for another job at the moment, so it
seems the ideal time to finish that one as well and save doing some
design/research work twice. What needs doing?


Dave Page wrote:
>>Dormant. If anybody wants to continue on that, I can give some hints
>>what to do next.
> OK... Mark is doing a scheduler for another job at the moment, so it
> seems the ideal time to finish that one as well and save doing some
> design/research work twice. What needs doing?

Major rework of data model. It's implemented using oids as pk, because
it's so convenient inserting something and getting the key from the
insert. Must be rewritten to int4 columns and a sequence, otherwise
backup/restore isn't possible.

AFAIR basic sql/shell executes are working, code for win32 service
manager is basically there, but no linux daemonization.

Dialogs to create/edit a schedule needed. I'm thinking of something
really comfortable, which will need quite some ui work.

Mark should contact me directly for explanations what my thoughts where
when spitting out that code. Many ideas might not become clear from
looking at those CFC (comment free code ;-)
