Обсуждение: Re: [ppa-dev] rpm -Uvh pgadmin3.i386.rpm phppgadmin3.i386.rpm


Re: [ppa-dev] rpm -Uvh pgadmin3.i386.rpm phppgadmin3.i386.rpm

Martin Marques
Quoting Christopher Kings-Lynne <chriskl@familyhealth.com.au>:

> I'm in favour - guys?
> I don't use Linux so I have no idea about install defaults...
> BTW, I will be doing a FreeBSD port for phpPgAdmin 3 once it is release...

I´m also in favor. But first some things to have in mind.

> > Therefore, I would be delighted if we could package PhpPgAdmin3 and
> release
> > daily snapshots in RPM format, based on the CVS version. Then, other
> > installers can follow.

I could try to get an apt repository for the PhpPgAdmin (and the PgAdmin) rpm
packages, to make it easier to install.

> > We do not intend to distribute PhpPgAdmin, but you will be able to rsync
> the
> > binaries everyday and distribute them.
> >
> > I can take care of the packaging work for most platforms, but I need your
> > approval before starting anything...
> >
> > All I need is a set of default rules, like:
> > - default port for a virtual host (30000?),

Don´t use virtual hosts? Or maybe yes. I´m not sure on this.

> > - default installation path (/var/www/phppgadmin30?).

/var/www/phppgadmin would be OK. Why would a non-experience user want to
diferent versions of phpPgAdmin. Experienced users can deal by there selfs with
the problem of setting a virtual host.

I don´t know, it was just what thought when reading the mail. Maybe someone
could justify the use of virtual hosts.

> > Advanced users will always need to perform a custom install. We are only
> > targeting entry-level users, which represent 80% of the upcoming users of
> > PostgreSQL. We should not underestimate the importance of these users for
> the
> > future of PostgreSQL.
> >
> > I also hope that good packages will stop rumors like "PostgreSQL is slower
> > than MySQL" or limit the number of questions like "Should I install
> > PostgreSQL or MySQL". You see what I mean...
> >
> > If you can install both products with a command line like:
> > "rpm -Uvh pgadmin3.i386.rpm phppgadmin3.i386.rpm",
> > why should we bother with such rumors?

I hope we can have an "apt-get install pgadmin phppgadmin" :-)

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués                  |        mmarques@unl.edu.ar
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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