Обсуждение: pgAdmin 1.4.12 Released


pgAdmin 1.4.12 Released

"Dave Page"
I'm pleased to announce the release of pgAdmin II v1.4.12.

pgAdmin II is a comprehensive PostgreSQL management and administration
tool for Microsoft Windows platforms. For more information and
downloads, please visit the website at http://www.pgadmin.org/ (kindly
hosted by hub.org).

This release is primarily a bug fix release. Changes/updates include:

- Allow dropping of Rules correctly with PostgreSQL < 7.3.
- Quote referenced columns in foreign keys correctly.
- Corrected Refresh button tooltip in data viewer.
- Allow Data Editor to set dates/timestamps to null when value is
- Fixed a bug in the View update code.
- Fixed a bug in Explain Plan with PostgreSQL 7.3.
- Fixed a bug in the SQL query parser that failed to handle table/view
names containing spaces correctly.
- Added support for multiple foreign keys on one table with the same
- Allow View Data of tables/views in schemas with quoted names.
- Retrieve new function details correctly after creation in PostgreSQL
- Fix issues in SQL generation for Triggers, Indexes and Rules when
Schemas are applicable.
- Allow quoted schema/table names to work correctly in the SQL wizard.
- Added support for SECURITY DEFINER functions.
- Updated PostgreSQL docs to 7.3.

The optional Migration Wizard has also been updated:

- Create serial columns as int8.

Regards, Dave.

regex 4 pga3

"the kay (efesar)"
I'm surprised how easily I've slipped into wxWindows ... it's like MFC, but
a little more intuitive. Consequently, I've done a lot of work done on the
Query Builder doodad I'm building.

To progress, I need/want regular expressions ... I noticed there is a regex
library included with wxWindows (although there doesn't appear to be any
documentation for it). Does anybody have experience with this regex library?
Does anybody have a preference which one I link to? If not, I'm just going
to link to that one and give it whack.
