Обсуждение: Re: Graphical ER Editor / Graphical Query


Re: Graphical ER Editor / Graphical Query

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Finch, FosterFinch Ltd [mailto:tim@fosterfinch.co.uk]
> Sent: 03 March 2002 21:44
> To: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Graphical ER Editor / Graphical Query
> Well, I'm feeling a little less like the newbie on the block
> after reading
> everyone's experience of CVS!
> Mark, if you did want to zip and email the code so far to me
> that would be
> fine. If any of you are following the Cygwin list you'll see
> I'm having no
> end of grief getting 7.2-2 installed and working on my W2K
> laptop. Had
> 7.1.3 working fine. Can't run pgAdmin without a postmaster up and
> running... so have been a little delayed. Anyone got any idea
> what the
> error means I have just posted over on cygwin list??

Shot in the dark, but does your postmaster service start in the context of
whatever user is the postgresql dba? On my system I just set it to run as
\\pc20\postgres. Having said that, I don't run it as a service these days
anyway, I find it more convenient when debugging to run from a console
window where I can restart the postmaster at will and tweak the logging to
get the messages I need...

Regards, Dave.