Обсуждение: Re: [CYGWIN] Question about character encoding


Re: [CYGWIN] Question about character encoding

Jean-Michel POURE
> I installed the latest cygwin snapshot along with PostgreSQL 7.2; I
> access the DB using the latest PGAdmin II 1.2.0. Almost everything seems
> to be working fine - with one major glitch: I just cannot insert nor
> select strings containing german umlaute or any other special characters
> into my database.
> I selected Unicode as encoding (was that correct?), but when I do

pAlthough it may sound strange, gAdmin2 is not yet compatible with Unicode
for various reasons explained at pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org. Unicode is
mainly used for non european languages.

SQL_ASCII encoding can handle most european languages, including German. So,
just create a database with SQL_ASCII encoding. And this will solve your

(If you are really interested by Unicode, use pgAdmin2 to create and maintain
the schema of your database. But don't use it ***yet*** to view or insert
data. Use Apache/Php or Java instead.)

Das lebte die deutsche-französische Freundschaft,
Jean-Michel pOURE

Dave : I am going to set defaut database encoding to SQL_ASCII. This will
avoid a confusion.